
General Advisory

Keep the orchards neat and clean after fruit harvesting. Also avoid the stagnation of
rain water in the orchards for longer time which may cause root & stem rotten
Vegetables:- Tomato, Chillies, Brinjal : Stage: Vegetative Growth/ Flowering/ Fruit
Do hoeing & weeding in vegetables crops like capsicum, frenchbean,Bitter gourd ,Bhindi,
Brinjil,Pumpkin and other crops.Remove chlorosiss, damaged & disease. keep the field neat
and clean to avoid any spread of disease. Sowing of Arkel Pea ,Spinach, Methi and raise the
nursery cauliflower and cabbage. In high hills area farmers are advised to sow the winter
vegetables crops like radish, carrot,turnip etc.
Fruit Crop:-Pomegrante Stage: harvesting/Peaking
In temperate fruit like apple, pear orchards collect the dropped , damaged & rotten fruits
from the orchards and bury them into a deep pits to avoid the spreading of any disease in the
fruit trees during the current seasons as well as in the next seasons. Keep the orchards neat
and clean after fruit harvesting. Also avoid the stagnation of rain water in the orchards for
longer time which may cause root & stem rotten diseases.
Floriculture :-
Marigold plantations are in the field and pinch the top portion of marigold
plants to accelerate more no of branches and flowers.
Animals Husbandary:-
Ticks are found in abundant in open grazing animals and cattles. Spray Sypermethrin or Amitrar
@ 1 ml / ltr of water on the body of the animal against the ticks and repeat the spray after 10-15
Dr M.S. Jangra Nodal Officer, Dr S K Bhardwaj