Somewhere it is raining as a disaster and somewhere it is a relief.

Past Weather: The maximum temperature recorded was 30.50C and minimum remained at 18.80C. During the last week 15.8 mm rainfall was received at Nauni ..

Weather Forecast for next 5 days

In next five days weather will remain variable and 5-10 mm daily rainfall is expectedon widespread places. Maximum temperature 29-32oC and minimum temperatures 19-21oC is expected .Relative humidity will remain between 43 to 93 per cent. and wind speed between 6-7 km/h.

General Advisory

During the rainy seasons farmers are advised to remove weeds from their field & orchards as and when weather became dry & clear. They also advised to manage the rain water in their fields vegetable crops and plant basins.

Crop Advisory

Fruit Crop:- Apple Stage: Fruit Development

For quality improvement in citrus apply 1.5% foliar spray of Cacl2
. To control the scab in apple farmers are advised to do the spray of Propinab (600 g) or Dodine (150g) or Matrim( 300g) or Tebuconazol (8% Captan + 32 SG) @ 200 ltr of water. To control the pre mature leaf fall and alternaria blight apply Matrim 55% + Pyriclostrabin 5% WG 0.150% (300g) or Fluxapyroxide +Pyriclostrabin 500 SG 0.01% (20 ml/200 L).
Vegetables:- Tomato, Capsicum, Bitter gourd: Stage: Plant protection
To control the fruit rot disease in tomato, blight & fruit rot in capsicum apply Diethane M-45 or Mass M-45 (250 g/100 L) OR Blitox/ Masstox-50 (300g/100 L) at the interval of 7-10 days.


To control the incidence of Mite in carnation overhead irrigation with spray pump in
requried. In case of heavy incidence spray miticides.
Animal Husbandary:-
Keep the animals shed dry,neat and clean.Got the cow dung test for the treatment of
stomach bugs if any. Spray 5 ml Sypermethrin or Amitrar mixture (2 ml /1 litre of
wtaer) on the floor and walls of the cattle sheds.
Dr M.S. Jangra Dr S K Bhardwaj