In next five days weather will remain dry with clear sky. Maximum & minimum
temperature is expected to range from 26-27oC & 07-08 oC. Relative humidity will
remain between 33 to 60% and wind speed 6-7 km/h from SE direction.
General Advisory
Clean the orchards and white wash the tree stems to protect them from direct sun
radiation. In mid hills the intercropping in orchards can be done.
Crop Advisory
Fruit Crop:-Lichi, Kiwi, Apricot, Apple Stage: Harvest
In higher hills where picking & harvesting of fruits is going farmers are advised to keep the orchards neat
& clean by collecting the dropped rotten fruits and bury them in a pit to avoid spread of disease.
Remove the broken and damaged branches during the harvesting of fruits from the orchards and spray
Copper Oxcichloride @ 600 gram in 200 litre of water after harvesting/picking. To protect the plants from
direct sun shine which may cause canker disease, white wash the stem upto first branch and also on
bracnhes of sunny side with the solution of 30 kg limestone ( Chuna) + 500 gram copper sulphate +500 ml
linseed oil in 200 litre of water.
Vegetables:- Tomato, Cauiliflower: Stage: Harvesting/Flowering/ Fruit development
Apply recommended dose of Nitrogen in the cole crops & other winter vegetables. Remove weeds and
apply irrigation.In cole crops spray Melathian @15ml in 15 litre of water to protect crops from grass
The prevailing changes in weather conditions may cause Diarrhoea in animals specially in new born &
young ones so, farmers are advised to protect the young ones (calves) by covering their body with gunny
bags during the night time. To protect them against chilling / cold & temperatures fluctuation.
Post-Harvest Techniques:-
Prepare Jam, Jelly , candy, Sauce , Murruba, Chutni, Pickle, Candy & Juice etc. from low grade fruits
Gourd & Pumpkin fruits may be used for the preparation of Murruba, Chutni, Pickle, Candy etc.