Horticulture sales centers are being made available at affordable prices

Weather Forecast for next 5 days


In next five days weather will remain variable and light rainfall is expected at all
places on 24-26 Nov. Maximum & minimum temperature is expected to range from
18-22oC & 05-08oC. Relative humidity will remain between 55 to 77% and wind
speed 8-9 km/h from SE direction.

General Advisory

Farmers are advised to prepare their fields & start sowing of Rabbi crops like
Wheat, Barley gram, winter vegetables and other crops.
Crop Advisory

Fruit Crop:- Apple Stage: Harvest
Farmers are advised to do white wash the stems upto first branch and also on branches of sunny side with
the solution of 30 kg limestone ( Chuna) + 500 gram copper sulphate +500 ml linseed oil in 200 litre of
water to protect the plants from direct sun shine radiation which may enhance the occurrence of canker
disease.The area effected by Scab apply urea 10kg/200 ltr of water in apple orchards.Also get the soil
tested if not done earlier.
Vegetables:- Onion, Cauiliflower: Stage: Sowing/ Transplanting
Perform earthing up in already transplanted crop of cabbage and cauliflower and add second basal
dose of nitrogen. Perform transplanting of onion seedlings at planting distance of 15×10 cm.
Harvest the flowers of marigold and chrysanthemum and send them to the market. Keep on watering
the plants of marigold seed crop.
After milking wash the teats with luke warm water and dry them then, dip the kine teats in Aidophore
solution (dipal) for 1-2 minute for protection against teat infection. Keep proper ventilation in the animals
shed and protect youngs from cold.