Need for effective regulations for imported planting material- Dr Chakrabarty

Weather Forecast for next 5 days


In next five days weather will remain clear & dry. Maximum & minimum
temperature is expected to range from 19-21oC & 03-05oC. Relative humidity will
remain between 50 to 86% and wind speed 6-7 km/h from SE direction.

General Advisory

Farmers are advised to do Striefication of the seeds of Apple, Peach, Walnut, Chuli ,
Brahmi, Peaknut etc before sowing in the plots.
Crop Advisory

Fruit Crop:- Apple Stage: Harvest
Farmers are advised to do Striefication of the seeds of Apple, Peach, Walnut, Chuli , Brahmi, Peaknut etc
before sowing in the plots. Start the uprooting of necessary of temperate which are to be planted during the
winter seasons. For the new orchards farmers are advised to dig the pits and keep with open for 15-20
days and then fill them FYM mix soil.
Vegetables:- Onion, Cauiliflower: Stage: Sowing/ Transplanting
Perform earthing up in already transplanted crop of cabbage and cauliflower and add second basal
dose of nitrogen. Perform transplanting of onion seedlings at planting distance of 15×10 cm.
It is the time to plant carnation rooted cuttings in polyhouses.Harvest the flowers of
marigold and chrysanthemum and send them to the market. Keep on watering the plants of marigold
seed crop.
Mushroom Cultivation:-
When the casing layer spread completely then raise the temperature of compost up to 16-18oC and
provide fresh air in the room for 3-4 times per day for 30-60 minutes.
After milking wash the teats with luke warm water and dry them then, dip the kine teats in Aidophore
solution (dipal) for 1-2 minute for protection against teat infection. Keep proper ventilation in the animals
shed and protect youngs from cold.