Need for effective regulations for imported planting material- Dr Chakrabarty

Weather Forecast for next 5 days


In next five days weather will remain variable and rainfall is expected at isolated
places. Maximum & minimum temperature is expected to range from 21-23oC &
03-07oC. Relative humidity will remain between 20 to 75% and wind speed 8-9 km/
h from SE direction.

General Advisory

To protect the crop and vegetables from frost apply light irrigation in the evening and cover the young
plants with gunny bags, straw etc.

Crop Advisory

Fruit Crop:- Apple Stage: Harvest
It is suitable time to dig the pits and keep then open for 15-20 days and then fill them FYM and top soil for
planting new fruit plants in the orchards.
Vegetables:- Onion, Cauiliflower: Stage: Sowing/ Transplanting
Do hoeing and weeding in the winter crops.Complete the of sowing of Azad P-1 & Punjab 89 cultivars
of Pea in the lower belt of Himachal Pradesh and Transplanting of Onion in the middle hills of HP.
Harvest the flowers of Chrysanthemum for markets.Where the flowers have already been harvested apply
well rotten FYM for getting proper growth of suckers.
Mushroom Cultivation:-
When the casing layer spread completely then raise the temperature of compost up to 16-18oC and
provide fresh air in the room for 3-4 times per day for 30-60 minutes.
Protect the animals from cold especially young one. Keep proper ventilation in the animals shed and
protect . Small animals, youns ones, calves may be covered with gunny bags during the night time.