Veterans called for nature conservation by planting saplings

Weather Forecast for next 5 days


In next five days weather will remain variable & light rainfall is expected on 23-24
January. Maximum & minimum temperature is expected to range from 17-21oC &
2-5 oC. Relative humidity will remain between 21 to 65% and wind speed 7-8 km/h
from SW direction.

General Advisory

Do hoeing & weeding in all the vegetables crops like pea, carrot, radish, turnip etc.

Crop Advisory

Fruit Crop:-Temprate Fruits Stage: Dormancy, New planting
Farmers are advised to apply Chaubatia paint immediately after training /pruning of the temperate fruits.
Vegetables:- Onion, Pea, Cauiliflower: Stage:Sowing / Cord development
To stacking in the pea crops so that it take vertical growth and became easy to pod picking.Make
arrangement of drainage of rainwater form the vegetable crops.
In hilly area the beekeeping may be suffering from Nosena Diseases due to which bees
suffer from dysentery and became lazy. Do not transfer these bees to a new and clean
beecolonies and frames.
Animal Husbandary:-
Keep animals inside the sheds during night & provide dry bedding to protect them from
cold. Increase protein and minerals in the feed concentrate to help the animals to cope up
with cold conditions. Provide curtains to animals and poultry sheds to protect them from cold
winds. Keep chicks warm by providing artificial lights in the poultry sheds and keep regular
check for any disease infestation.