Veterans called for nature conservation by planting saplings

Weather Forecast for next 5 days


In next five days weather will remain dry & clear. Maximum & minimum
temperature is expected to range from 20-21oC & 2-6oC. Relative humidity will
remain between 17 to 55% and wind speed 6-7 km/h from SW direction.

General Advisory

Apply well rotten FYM in chrysanthemum for more proliferation of suckers.

Crop Advisory

Fruit Crop:-Temprate Fruits Stage: Dormancy, New planting
Farmers are advised to continue preparation the basins of the fruit plants and apply
recommend dose of FYM and fertilizers.
Vegetables:- Pea, Cauiliflower: Stage:Sowing /flowering / Cord development
Right time for staking of pea crops. Continue weeding in Corrinder & Methi.
Prepare the fileds for summer vegetables like Tomato, Capsicum Bhindi, etc. in
lower hills areas.

Multiply carnation plants by herbaceous stem cuttings in mid hill zone of HP.
Plant rooted cuttings of carnation in polyhouse at a density of 25 plants per square
Animal Husbandary:-
Keep animals inside the sheds during night & provide dry bedding to protect them from
cold. Increase protein and minerals in the feed concentrate to help the animals to cope up
with cold conditions. Provide curtains to animals and poultry sheds to protect them from cold
winds. Keep chicks warm by providing artificial lights in the poultry sheds and keep regular
check for any disease infestation.