In next five days weather will remain clear and dry. Maximum & minimum
temperature is expected to range between 21-23oC and 3-4oC, respectively. Relative
humidity will remain between 22 to 54% and wind speed 6-8 km/h from SE
General Advisory
Apply mulch and well rotten FYM on ginger, turmeric and leafy vegetables crops.For
the control of downy mildew in gralic spray Diathane M45 2.5 g or Bavistine 1 g per
Crop Advisory
Fruit Crop:- Stone Fruits Stage: Transplanting
Keep the orchards neat and clean from weeds and apply irrigation, if needed &
transplant them in already prepared pits. Prepare the pits for planting like, walnut,
almond plum and peach.
Vegetables:- Pea: Stage: seed sowing/nursery planting
To control fruit borer in peas, apply pheromone traps @ 3-4 traps per acre in the
fields and spray 2% urea or potassium sulfate for increasing the number of pea pods
as well as protect the crop against frost damage.
Do hoeing & weeding in all the vegetables crops like radish, turnip, carrot, &
spinach etc.
Multiply carnation plants by herbaceous stem cuttings in mid hill zone of HP.
Plant rooted cuttings of carnation in polyhouse at a density of 25 plants per square
Animal Husbandary:-
Protect the newly born calves and animals from cold and white scour, naval ill and
pneumonia feed pregnant and lactating cows and buffaloes with balance feed including
mineral mixture. Keep the cowshed neat & clean & provide dry bedding.