Need for effective regulations for imported planting material- Dr Chakrabarty

Weather Forecast for next 5 days

InC, respectively. Moderate and gusty winds also expected with 7-10 kmph speed from

East-North-East direction.Relative humidity will fluctuate between 55-86%. General Advisory
Rainfall is expected on 11-13, March so farmers are advised to withheld any kind of irrigation in their
crops and vegetables. Avoid any kind of spraying of insecticide/ pesticide on their crops. If the spray is
very urgent then mix the stickers in the solutions.
Crop Advisory

Vegetables:- Summer Vegetables: Onion, Garlic Stage: Vegetative
Low Hilly Areas- Do hoeing and weeding in Garlic crop when weather become clear and dry. Use
12:32:16 in tomato plantation @ 30 kg / bigga. Also add Potash @ 2.5 kg/bigga. Prepare the nursery
bed for tomato,chilly and capsicum.
Mid Hilly Araes- Protection against CUT WORM: Stage: Field Preparation -During field
preparation mix Chloropyriphos. Do transpanting of early sown tomato and capsicum in the fields after
treatment of soil with Chloropyriphos 2 lt. in 20-25 kg sand in one hactare area.
Fruit Crop:- Apple Stage: Green tip

When weather will become clear apply TSO @ 4 litres per 200 litres of water at the green tip stage of
apple and pear. Farmers are also advised to prepare the basins of the fruits orchards and apply
recommended dose of fertilizers and well mixed them in the soil .
Flower Crops- Stage: Nursery

Apply FYM in Chrysanthemum for good sucker production. Prepare the bulbs of Guldaudi. Prepare
nursery for summer flowers. Transplant Gladiolus for flower production.
Animal Husbandary- Protection from Ticks-Use Cypermethrin @2-2.5 ml /1 litres of water.
Bee Keeping:-In hilly area the beekeeping may be suffering from Nosena Diseases due to which bees
suffer from dysentery and became lazy. Do not transfer these bees to a new and clean beecolonies and

frames. next five days weather will remain variable . From 11-13 March thunderstorm, hails, rainfall is

expected at all places.Maximum & minimum temperature will range between 23-26oC

and 7-10o