In next five days weather will remain variable & light rainfall is expected at isolated places. Maximum
& minimum temperature will increase and may range between 30-31oC and 10-12oC,respectively.
Moderate and gusty winds also expected with 7-9 kmph speed from East-North-East direction.
Relative humidity will fluctuate between 19-42%. General Advisory
Keeping in view dry weather farmers are requested to apply light irrigation in all vegetable crops.
Crop Advisory
Vegetables:- Summer Vegetables: Onion Stage:Vegetative
Farmers are advised to apply irrigation in Pea, Tomato crops and in the nursery of other summer
vegetables. To control the late blight disease in potato spray carbandizam@ 1.0 gm/litre of water.
Fruit Crop:- Stone Fruits Stage: Flowering/ Bud formation/ Fruit setting
The grafting work in apple nursery may started or done as the weather become warmer.
Floriculture Crops:-In carnation crop disbudding and de-shooting may be completed.
Chrysanthemum multiplication may be done either by suckers or cuttings. Harvesting of gerbera should be done at fully flower open stage and that of alstroemeria are to be harvested at coloured bud stage.
Marigold seedlings can be planted in the fields.
Animal Husbandary:-
Due to the shortage of green grass there may be deficiency of mineral & protein in the animals which may cause the inability of the animals to come into heat and conceive. So farmers are advised to add 30-50 g of mineral mixture in the daily feed.
As temperature will increase slightly which may cause the attack of outer side parasites.
Farmers may spray Sypermethrin @ 2-2.5 ml per liter of water on the body of theanimals to control these parasites.
To enhance the rearing of young ones give sugar dose @ 1:1. Keep the bee colonies neat and clean.