Need for effective regulations for imported planting material- Dr Chakrabarty

Weather Forecast for next 5 days

In next five days weather will remain dry with light clouds & moderate winds. Maximum & minimum
temperature will increase and may range between 31-34oC and 12-14oC, respectively. Moderate
winds also expected with 10-11 kmph speed from East-North-East direction.Relative humidity will
fluctuate between 23-48 %. General Advisory
Weather will remain dry so farmers are advised to plan the sowing / transplanting of summer vegetables
and application of fertilizers in already sown crops and complete the harvesting of rabi crops like
wheat etc. Crop Advisory

Vegetables:- Bhindi, Tomato Stage: Field Preparation / Sowing
Weeding and hoeing in all crops and vegetables should be done to avoid competition for nutrients &
water with the main crops. Farmers are advised to prepare fields with mixing of FYM etc. for kharif
crops & summer vegetables. In the already prepared fields sowing of crops and transplanting of
vegetables can be done.

Fruit Crop:- Stone Fruits Stage: Fruit setting
In temperate fruits where hailfall has been occurred/ observed there farmers are advised to immediately
spray Carbendazim @ 100 g / Mancozeb @ 600 g per 200 ltr of water. Apply second half dose of
nitrogen in stone fruit if not applied earlier. Complete the remaining work of grafting and top working in
apple. Removal of shade nets from litchi and mango nursery. Removal of shade nets from litchi and
mango nursery.

Animal Husbandary:-
Farmers are advised to get their animals vaccinated for FMD during the month of April if not done in
March. Do sowing & intercultural operations in the fodder crops for animals like Jawar, Bajra, Makki &
other Kharif crops.

Pollination:- Farmers are advised to place honey bee boxes in orchards, when 10% flowers have
bloomed for better pollination.
Floriculture Crops:- Sowing of seeds of summer seasons annuals like Marigold, Zinnia, China
aster and cosmos can be done. Harvest the flowers of rose, Alstroemeria, carnation, gerbera and lilium
and send them to market.