Nauni University has announced the date of written examination for various posts.

Weather Forecast for next 5 days

In next five days from 19-23 May weather will remain variable and heavy rainfall is expected with
thunder & lightening. Maximum & minimum temperature will decrease and may range between 26-
32oC and 12-16oC, respectively. Moderate to strong winds also expected with 06-07 kmph speed
from East-North-East direction.Relative humidity will fluctuate between 25-70 %.

General Advisory

Weather will remain variable so farmers are advised to withheld irrigation also make arrangement to
protect the young plants vegetables nursery etc from hailstorms also make necessary arrangements of
rainwater drainage from these crops.

Crop Advisory
Fruit Crop:-Temperate Fruits Stage: Fruit Development
Apply 2nd half dose of nitrogen in apple and pear. To nutrients plants affected by hail
apply Urea 1 kg + Carbondazim 100 Gram or Mencozeb 600 Gram @ 200litre of

water in the effected orchards. After 10 -12 days of this spray apply mixture Micro-
Nutrients like Agromin/Multiplex/ Microbit @ 400-600 grams in 200 litre of water

when weather is clear.
Vegetables:- Bhindi, Tomato Stage: Sowing/ Transplanting
Perform sowing/ planting of ginger and bhindi. Transplant seedlings of tomato, capsicum chilli and brinjal
if not performed earlier. Do perform sowing of Frenchbean, bitter gourd cucumber and
bottle gourd.
Animal Husbandary:-
Dairy farmers are advised to get their animals vaccinated against Haemorrhagic septicemia and black
Give the new queen to the bee colony in which the queen is weak and defunct. The time is also suitable
for raring new queens. Give extra frames to the colony for more honey accumulation. The colony may be
divided to increase the numbers.