Training on climate change and adaptation concludes

Weather Forecast for next 5 days

In next five days weather will remain variable with overcast sky. From 12th -15th June medium to heavy
rainfall with lightning and thundering is expected at all places. Maximum & minimum temperature may
range between 27-32oC and 16-21oC , respectively. Wind speed may be range from 8-9 kmph from
South-East direction.Relative humidity willranged between 62-88 percent.

General Advisory

With in next forecasted days rainfall is expected so avoid the spraying of chemicals to avoid the wastage
of chemicals and to protect environment quality.Spraying of chemicals is recommended when weather is
clear and dry. Rescheduling of irrigation to the crops. Avoid the stagnation of water in the fields. Farmers
are advised to harvesting the mature vegetables at morning and evening hours for better quality.

Crop Advisory

Fruit Crop:-Temperate Fruits (Apple) Stage: Fruit Development
To control the mites attack in apple apply the foliar application of Fenazaquin (50 ml) and Propargite
(200 ml) @ 200 lt of water. Farmers are also advised to spray the basin area to ensure optimum control.
Vegetables:- Tomato, Brinjal Stage: Flowering/fruiting
The attack of fruit borer in brinjal and tomato crops is expected. The farmers are advised to spray the
chemicals when weather is clear and dry. Application of Bacillus thuringiensis(0.5 l/ha) at flowering and
fruit setting stage. Foliar application of carbaryl (0.1%) when one larvae is observed per five plants. Install
pheromone trap @ 25 per hac if pest population is high.
Kharif crops:- Paddy and Maize
Field preparation with deep ploughing of fields as time is appropriate for sowing of paddy and maize.
Farmers are advised for seed sowing of paddy immediately and before sowing gives seed treatment of
fungal disease with Bavistin @ 2.5g/kg of seed. If sufficient moisture is there farmers are advised to sow
maize crop in the fields.
Animal Husbandary:-
Dairy farmers are advised to get their animals vaccinated againstHaemorrhagic septicemia and black
quarter . Keep the animals shed neat & clean so that there should not be any dust & swarm of flies. Keep
the milk collecting utensil neat, clean & germ free. Farmers are also advised to use narrow opening utensil
compare to wide opening or broad opening for milk collecting & storing.