In next five days weather will remain variable with light to medium cloud cover. Light to medium rainfall
with lightning and thundering is expected at isolated places. Maximum & minimum temperature may range
between 32-34 oC and 14-17 oC, respectively. Wind speed may be range from 8-9 kmph from North-
East direction.Relative humidity willranged between 50-76 percent.
General Advisory
Due to pandemic of COVID-19, Farmers should maintain social distancing and safety precaution while
handling farm machines and labour in the field. Keeping in view the prevailing weather condition farmers
are advised to spray the chemicals and apply the fertilizers. Framers should harvest the mature vegetables
at morning and evening hours for better quality and sent to the market. Download the MEGHDOOT
mobile app through play store for getting real time agromet advisory.
Crop Advisory
Fruit Crop:- (Apple, Pomegranate and Kiwi) Stage: Flowering/Fruit Development
Apple: Farmers are advised to keep regular observation for the symptoms of scab disease. Spray
Mancozeb or Propineb @600 gm or Dodine @ 150 gm in 200 L of water at walnut size fruit for the
control of apple scab disease. Spray 100 gm carbandazim or Mancozeb in 200 L of water immediately
after hail.
Pomegranate: Farmers are advised to keep orchards neat and clean by doing weeding in plants basin
Spray of Cypermethrin 25 EC 80 ml in 200 L of water to control the attack of Anar butterfly.
Kiwi: Farmers are advised to keep orchard neat and clean and remove the weeds from the Vines basin.
Vegetables:- Tomato, Brinjal Stage: Flowering/fruiting
The attack of fruit borer in brinjal and tomato crops is expected. The farmers are advised to spray the
chemicals when weather is clear and dry. Application of Bacillus thuringiensis(0.5 l/ha) at flowering and
fruit setting stage. Foliar application of carbaryl (0.1%) when one larvae is observed per five plants. Install
pheromone trap @ 25 per hac if pest population is high.
Kharif crops:- Paddy and Maize :- Apply need based irrigation to paddy nursery. Farmers are advised
for timely transplanting of paddy (20 June to 5 July) in well prepared puddled field. Timely transplanting
of paddy schedule for better grain quality, water saving and low build up of stem borer. If sufficient
moisture is there farmers are advised to sow maize crop in the fields if not done (End of June) . Apply 6
tonnes of good quality FYM per acre to the maize crop.
Animal Husbandary:- Dairy farmers are advised to get their animals vaccinated againstHaemorrhagic
septicemia and black quarter .