Weather Forecast for next 5 days

In next five days weather will remain mainly dry, sky will be cloudy & light raiinfall is
expected at isolated places. Maximum temperature 31-32oC & minimum
temperatures 17-18 oC is expected .Relative humidity will remain between 22 to 74
per cent and wind speed between 6-7 km/h from NE direction.


General Advisory

To control the stem borer in temperate fruit trees clean the borer with a soft wire and put a piece of
cotton dipped in petrol or Mithyal perthion in the hole and close the hole by putting clay soil .


Crop Advisory

Vegetables:- Tomato : Stage: Harvest
In brinjal to control the stem & fruit borer insect adopt suitable control measure and take help of concerned
expert. Harvest the crop 15 days after spray. In crops like Gourds, tomato etc. to control the fruit fly
attack spray with 10 gram jaggery +2ml melathion per litre of water.
Fruit Crop:-Pomegrante, Apple Stage: Harvesting/Peaking
In temperate fruits like apple etc. Spray 1% Urea (2kg/200 L) after the fruit harvesting. To control the
Canker disease mix 600g Copper Oxichloride in this soltution.Ripened Persimmon may be harvested
and send to the market. For establishing new orchards it is right time to plan layout.

Soil Science:-
After harvest of crops collect soil samples for getting them tested fertilizers management should be done
on soil testing basis at least once in three years.

Collection of seed of medicinal crops like Basil, Spilanthes, Stevia, Oenothera’ Eclpta etc should be
done within a period of 15 days.
Preparation of beds be initiated for propagation through cuttings for Rosemary, Lavender, Geranium
Dr M.S. Jangra Nodal Officer, Dr S K Bhardwaj
GKMS, AMFU, Nauni,Solan Prof. & Head